Explore our collection of 100% free placeholder logos for UI and Web Design. Download the Figma file, SVG, and PNG formats.
A placeholder logo is a temporary or generic design used during the initial phases of a project or brand identity development. Similar to lorem ipsum text, it aids in mockups and high-fidelity designs in UI and website development until a final logo is established. You can also utilize it in creating your themes and templates.
These logos are crafted by our team at webestica.com, the same individuals who brought you "Iconstica - Icon library," featuring over 4000 icons in 6 styles for versatile projects. Check out more details.
Absolutely! These logos are free for both personal and commercial projects. No attribution is required. Just avoid using them to create another UI kit or selling them elsewhere.
All fonts used in our logos are available on Fontshare and are free for both commercial and non-commercial purposes. Here's the list of fonts used: Satoshi, Plein, Azret Mono, Chillax, Quilon, Red Hat Display, Roundo, Telma, Panchang, Tabular, Nippo, Clash Grotesk, Excon, Synonym, and General Sans.
Nope! These logos are yours to use without any obligation for attribution in personal or commercial projects. However, if you choose to give attribution, we'd greatly appreciate it. Your support means everything to us!
Find the perfect icon for every project, from websites and apps to freelance work.